swsk cleaning cloth (*selected project)
may. 2024


Client SunwooShawn Kim

planning, drawing, photography
Sunwoo Shawn Kim

주변에 감사한 분들께 드리려고 제작한 안경닦이 겸 먼지닦이 천입니다.
안경, 선글라스, 모니터, 악기 등 먼지를 닦을때 사용하면 좋을 것 같아 제작하였습니다.


It is a cleaning cloth I designed to give as a gift to people around me.
It would be good to use it to clean dust such as glasses, sunglasses, monitors, and musical instruments.

sunwooshawnkim@gmail.com   /  ©2022 sunwooshawnkim all rights reserved   /   @sunwooshawnkim